Research Article
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Published Online: 5 July 2004

Mineralogical Biosignatures and the Search for Life on Mars

Publication: Astrobiology
Volume 1, Issue Number 4


If life ever existed, or still exists, on Mars, its record is likely to be found in minerals formed by, or in association with, microorganisms. An important concept regarding interpretation of the mineralogical record for evidence of life is that, broadly defined, life perturbs disequilibria that arise due to kinetic barriers and can impart unexpected structure to an abiotic system. Many features of minerals and mineral assemblages may serve as biosignatures even if life does not have a familiar terrestrial chemical basis. Biological impacts on minerals and mineral assemblages may be direct or indirect. Crystalline or amorphous biominerals, an important category of mineralogical biosignatures, precipitate under direct cellular control as part of the life cycle of the organism (shells, tests, phytoliths) or indirectly when cell surface layers provide sites for heterogeneous nucleation. Biominerals also form indirectly as byproducts of metabolism due to changing mineral solubility. Mineralogical biosignatures include distinctive mineral surface structures or chemistry that arise when dissolution and/or crystal growth kinetics are influenced by metabolic by-products. Mineral assemblages themselves may be diagnostic of the prior activity of organisms where barriers to precipitation or dissolution of specific phases have been overcome. Critical to resolving the question of whether life exists, or existed, on Mars is knowing how to distinguish biologically induced structure and organization patterns from inorganic phenomena and inorganic self-organization. This task assumes special significance when it is acknowledged that the majority of, and perhaps the only, material to be returned from Mars will be mineralogical.

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Published In

cover image Astrobiology
Volume 1Issue Number 4December 2001
Pages: 447 - 465
PubMed: 12448978


Published online: 5 July 2004
Published in print: December 2001


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Jillian F. Banfield
Departments of Earth and Planetary Science and of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
John W. Moreau
Departments of Earth and Planetary Science and of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
Clara S. Chan
Departments of Earth and Planetary Science and of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
Susan A. Welch
Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
Brenda Little
Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center, MS

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