Research Article
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Published Online: 27 November 2008

Efficiency of High- and Low-Voltage Pulse Combinations for Gene Electrotransfer in Muscle, Liver, Tumor, and Skin

Publication: Human Gene Therapy
Volume 19, Issue Number 11


Gene electrotransfer is gaining momentum as an efficient methodology for nonviral gene transfer. In skeletal muscle, data suggest that electric pulses play two roles: structurally permeabilizing the muscle fibers and electrophoretically supporting the migration of DNA toward or across the permeabilized membrane. To investigate this further, combinations of permeabilizing short high-voltage pulses (HV; hundreds of V/cm) and mainly electrophoretic long low-voltage pulses (LV; tens of V/cm) were investigated in muscle, liver, tumor, and skin in rodent models. The following observations were made: (1) Striking differences between the various tissues were found, likely related to cell size and tissue organization; (2) gene expression is increased, if there was a time interval between the HV pulse and the LV pulse; (3) the HV pulse was required for high electrotransfer to muscle, tumor, and skin, but not to liver; and (4) efficient gene electrotransfer was achieved with HV field strengths below the detectability thresholds for permeabilization; and (5) the lag time interval between the HV and LV pulses decreased sensitivity to the HV pulses, enabling a wider HV amplitude range. In conclusion, HV plus LV pulses represent an efficient and safe option for future clinical trials and we suggest recommendations for gene transfer to various types of tissues.

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Published In

cover image Human Gene Therapy
Human Gene Therapy
Volume 19Issue Number 11November 2008
Pages: 1261 - 1272
PubMed: 19866490


Published online: 27 November 2008
Published ahead of print: 7 November 2008
Published in print: November 2008


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F.M. André
CNRS, UMR 8121, Institute Gustave-Roussy, F-94805 Villejuif Cédex, France.
Univ Paris-Sud, UMR 8121, France.
J. Gehl
Department of Oncology 54B1, Copenhagen University Hospital Herlev, DK-2730 Herlev, Denmark.
G. Sersa
Department of Experimental Oncology, Institute of Oncology, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.
V. Préat
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Université Catholique de Louvain, 1200 Brussels, Belgium.
P. Hojman
Department of Oncology 54B1, Copenhagen University Hospital Herlev, DK-2730 Herlev, Denmark.
UMR 5089, IPBS du CNRS, F-31077 Toulouse, France.
J. Eriksen
Department of Oncology 54B1, Copenhagen University Hospital Herlev, DK-2730 Herlev, Denmark.
M. Golzio
UMR 5089, IPBS du CNRS, F-31077 Toulouse, France.
Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III, UMR 5089, France.
M. Cemazar
Department of Experimental Oncology, Institute of Oncology, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.
N. Pavselj
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Université Catholique de Louvain, 1200 Brussels, Belgium.
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.
M.-P. Rols
UMR 5089, IPBS du CNRS, F-31077 Toulouse, France.
D. Miklavcic
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.
E. Neumann
Faculty of Chemistry, University of Bielefeld, D-33502 Bielefeld, Germany.
J. Teissié
UMR 5089, IPBS du CNRS, F-31077 Toulouse, France.
Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III, UMR 5089, France.
L.M. Mir
CNRS, UMR 8121, Institute Gustave-Roussy, F-94805 Villejuif Cédex, France.
Univ Paris-Sud, UMR 8121, France.

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