Vestibular Dysfunction after Subconcussive Head Impact
Current thinking views mild head impact (i.e., subconcussion) as an underrecognized phenomenon that has the ability to cause significant current and future detrimental neurological effects. Repeated mild impacts to the head, however, often display no observable behavioral deficits based on standard clinical tests, which may lack sensitivity. The current study investigates the effects of subconcussive impacts from soccer heading with innovative measures of vestibular function and walking stability in a pre- 0–2 h, post- 24 h post-heading repeated measures design. The heading group (n = 10) executed 10 headers with soccer balls projected at a velocity of 25 mph (11.2 m/sec) over 10 min. Subjects were evaluated 24 h before, immediately after, and 24 h after soccer heading with: the modified Balance Error Scoring System (mBESS); a walking stability task with visual feedback of trunk movement; and galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS) while standing with eyes closed on foam. A control group (n = 10) followed the same protocol with no heading. The results showed significant decrease in trunk angle, leg angle gain, and center of mass gain relative to GVS for the heading group compared with controls. Medial-lateral trunk orientation displacement and velocity during treadmill walking increased immediately after mild head impact for the heading group compared with controls. Controls showed an improvement in mBESS scores over time, indicating a learning effect, which was not observed with the heading group. These results suggest that mild head impact leads to a transient dysfunction in vestibular processing, which deters walking stability during task performance.
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Copyright 2016, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Published in print: January 1, 2017
Published online: 1 January 2017
Published ahead of print: 6 July 2016
Published ahead of production: 17 February 2016
Author Disclosure Statement
John Jeka is one of the inventors of the sensory treadmill described in this experiment. United States Patent# 8,900,165. For the remaining authors, no competing financial interests exist.
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