MicroRNA hsa-miR-135b Regulates Mineralization in Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Unrestricted Somatic Stem Cells
Publication: Stem Cells and Development
Volume 19, Issue Number 6
Unrestricted somatic stem cells (USSCs) have been recently identified in human umbilical cord blood and have been shown to differentiate into lineages representing all 3 germ layers. To characterize microRNAs that may regulate osteogenic differentiation of USSCs, we carried out expression analysis for 157 microRNAs using quantitative RT-PCR before and after osteogenic induction (t = 0.5, 24, 72, 168, 216 h). Three microRNAs, hsa-miR-135b, hsa-miR-224, and hsa-miR-31, were consistently down-regulated during osteogenesis of USSC line 1. Hsa-miR-135b was shown to be the most profoundly down-regulated in osteogenesis of USSC line 1 and further confirmed to be down-regulated in the osteogenic differentiation of 2 additional USSC lines. Function of hsa-miR-135b in osteogenesis of USSCs was examined by retroviral overexpression, which resulted in an evident decreased mineralization, indicating that hsa-miR-135b down-regulation is functionally important for full osteogenic differentiation of USSCs. MicroRNAs have been shown to regulate negatively expression of their target gene(s). To identify putative targets of hsa-miR-135b, we performed cDNA microarray expression analysis. We selected in total 10 transcripts that were down-regulated (≥2-fold) in response to hsa-miR-135b overexpression at day 7 and day 9 of osteogenic differentiation. The function of most of these targets in human osteogenesis is unknown and requires further investigation. Markedly, quantitative RT-PCR data showed decreased expression of osteogenic markers IBSP and Osterix, both known to be involved in bone mineralization, in osteogenesis of USSCs that overexpress hsa-miR-135b. This finding suggests that hsa-miR-135b may control osteoblastic differentiation of USSCs by regulating expression of bone-related genes.
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Copyright 2010, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Published in print: June 2010
Published online: 1 October 2009
Accepted: 1 October 2009
Received: 1 April 2009
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