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Published Online: 28 October 2011

A Regional Prehospital Electrocardiogram Network with a Single Telecardiology “Hub” for Public Emergency Medical Service: Technical Requirements, Logistics, Manpower, and Preliminary Results

Publication: Telemedicine and e-Health
Volume 17, Issue Number 9


Background: In patients with a major cardiac event, the first priority is to minimize time-to-treatment. For many patients, the first and fastest contact with the health system is through emergency medical services (EMS). However, delay to treatment is still significant in developed countries, and international guidelines therefore recommend that EMS use prehospital electrocardiogram (ECG). Many communities are implementing prehospital ECG programs, with different technical solutions. Methods: We report on a region-wide prehospital ECG telecardiology program that involved 233,657 patients from all over Apulia (4 million inhabitants), Italy, who called the public regional free EMS telephone number “118.” Prehospital ECG was transmitted by mobile phone to a single regional telecardiology “hub” where a cardiologist available 24/7 promptly reported the ECG, having a briefing with on-scene EMS personnel and EMS district central; patients were then directed to fibrinolysis or primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) as appropriate. Results: Patients were >70 years in 51% of cases, and 55% of prehospital ECGs were unremarkable; the remaining 45% showed signs suggesting acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in 18%, arrhythmias in 20%, and minor findings in 62%. In cases of suspected ACS (chest pain), ECG findings were normal in 77% of patients; 74% of subjects with suspected ACS were screened within 30′ from the onset of symptoms. Conclusions: A regional single telecardiology hub providing prehospital ECG for a sole regional public EMS provides an example of a prehospital ECG network optimizing quality of ECG report and uniformity of EMS assistance in a large region-wide network.

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Published In

cover image Telemedicine and e-Health
Telemedicine and e-Health
Volume 17Issue Number 9November 2011
Pages: 727 - 733
PubMed: 21916616


Published in print: November 2011
Published online: 28 October 2011
Published ahead of print: 14 September 2011
Accepted: 21 March 2011
Received: 19 March 2011


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Natale Daniele Brunetti
Cardiology Department, University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy.
Luisa De Gennaro
Cardiology Department, University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy.
Giulia Dellegrottaglie
Cardio on Line Europe S.R.L., Bari, Italy.
Daniele Amoruso
Radiology Department, Azienda Ospedaliera Policlinico, Bari, Italy.
Gianfranco Antonelli
Cardiology Department, Azienda Ospedaliera Policlinico, Bari, Italy.
Matteo Di Biase
Cardiology Department, University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy.


Address correspondence to:Natale Daniele Brunetti, M.D., Ph.D.Cardiology DepartmentUniversity of FoggiaViale Pinto 1Foggia 71100Italy
E-mail: [email protected]

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