Randomized Trial of a Smartphone Mobile Application Compared to Text Messaging to Support Smoking Cessation
Publication: Telemedicine and e-Health
Volume 20, Issue Number 3
Background: Text messaging has successfully supported smoking cessation. This study compares a mobile application with text messaging to support smoking cessation. Materials and Methods: Young adult smokers 18–30 years old (n=102) participated in a randomized pretest–posttest trial. Smokers received a smartphone application (REQ-Mobile) with short messages and interactive tools or a text messaging system (onQ), managed by an expert system. Self-reported usability of REQ-Mobile and quitting behavior (quit attempts, point-prevalence, 30-day point-prevalence, and continued abstinence) were assessed in posttests. Results: Overall, 60% of smokers used mobile services (REQ-Mobile, 61%, mean of 128.5 messages received; onQ, 59%, mean of 107.8 messages), and 75% evaluated REQ-Mobile as user-friendly. A majority of smokers reported being abstinent at posttest (6 weeks, 53% of completers; 12 weeks, 66% of completers [44% of all cases]). Also, 37% (25%of all cases) reported 30-day point-prevalence abstinence, and 32% (22% of all cases) reported continuous abstinence at 12 weeks. OnQ produced more abstinence (p<0.05) than REQ-Mobile. Use of both services predicted increased 30-day abstinence at 12 weeks (used, 47%; not used, 20%; p=0.03). Conclusions: REQ-Mobile was feasible for delivering cessation support but appeared to not move smokers to quit as quickly as text messaging. Text messaging may work better because it is simple, well known, and delivered to a primary inbox. These advantages may disappear as smokers become more experienced with new handsets. Mobile phones may be promising delivery platforms for cessation services using either smartphone applications or text messaging.
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Information & Authors
Published In
Copyright 2014, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Published in print: March 2014
Published online: 27 February 2014
Published ahead of print: 18 December 2013
Accepted: 14 June 2013
Received: 9 May 2013
Disclosure Statement
D.B.B. is an employee of Klein Buendel, Inc, a for-profit company. D.B.B.'s spouse is the sole owner and President of Klein Buendel. D.B.B. is a member of Wedge Communications LLC, a technology transfer company that has licensed the REQ-Mobile mobile application. R.B. was responsible for developing the onQ and Quit Coach programs, but he holds no commercial interest in them. E.P.B. is an employee of Klein Buendel, Inc., and a member of Wedge Communications LLC. J.H.S. is an employee of Klein Buendel, Inc. D.E.Z. has no competing financial interests.
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