• homepage Human Gene Therapy Clinical Development cover image

    Cover: This painting, titled “Jenner: Smallpox is Stemmed” by Robert Thom, depicts the use of the first Western vaccine: the cowpox vaccine to protect against smallpox. Edward Jenner, a rural English doctor, is shown injecting his first patient, James Phipps, in 1796, using fluid obtained from scratches on the hand of dairymaid Sarah Nelmes, standing behind him. His observation that dairymaids seemed to gain immunity to smallpox from their exposure to cowpox led to Jenner's experiments and the eventual widespread adoption of smallpox vaccination. In 1980, the disease of smallpox was declared eradicated from the world. This painting is part of the Collection of the University of Michigan Health System, gift of Pfizer Inc. UMHS.23

Human Gene Therapy Clinical Development

Editor-in-Chief: Terence R. Flotte, MD
Deputy Editors, Europe: Nathalie Cartier, MD and Thierry VandenDriessche, PhD
Deputy Editors, U.S.: Barry J. Byrne, MD, PhD and Mark A. Kay, MD, PhD
Human Gene Therapy Editor: Guangping Gao, PhD
Methods Editor: Hildegard Büning, PhD
Clinical Development Editor: James M. Wilson, MD, PhD
ISSN: 2324-8637 Online ISSN: 2324-8645 Published QuarterlyCurrent Volume: 30
Journal Impact Factor: 4.2* *2023 Journal Citation Reports™ (Clarivate, 2024)
The leading journal for publishing data relevant to the regulatory review and commercial development of cell and gene therapy products.
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